Leather Care

Leather is a natural material that over time will need to be cared for to help it last a long life. Just like our skin, it can dry out if exposed to too much light, water and extreme temperature changes.

For the first 6-12 months the natural oils in the leather will be enough to keep it happy and healthy. After this I recommend using a natural leather balm to help replenish the oils in the leather, this will keep it supple and help it patina and age.

  • Ensure the leather is dry and clean

  • Clean with a damp cloth and let dry in room temperature

  • Use a very small amount of leather balm on a cloth and rub gently all over the leather surface – be advised that sometimes the balm can darken the leather slightly.

I recommend using a dedicated leather balm, one which has natural ingredients – not dubbin’s or neatsfoot oil.

You can purchase my own homemade leather balm from the website here , made using tallow, bees wax, rapeseed oil and birch tar oil

If you have any questions regarding caring for your leather – whether I made the item it or not – please feel free to contact me (hello@warrinerleather.com), after all leather is something that I believe will last you a lifetime of use and joy.

All packaging is made from recycled materials and can be composted or recycled. Even the leather is compostable as it is tanned using completely natural processes!